It seems to be that I have not updated this jsapp blog in a while. If you care about getting updates you should definitely join the jsapp mailing list where I tend to be announcing new features.
There seems to be a few features that have happened since the last update of this blog, so I am going to try and cover them all in a list now:
- There is not support for using a custom subdomain, check out the deploy command
- There is a profile view for all users, the profile can be edited using the profile command
- Files can be made public for other users to include into their own projects, to do so use the files command and click public
- There is a new jsapp command that can be installed using npm (npm install jsapp) this is useful for anyone that wants to work with jsapp through their own filesystem on their computer, or use version control on their own system
- jsapp now has support for coffee script (demo) all one has to do to take advantage of this is to add the suffix .coffee to any file and it will be compiler with the coffee compiler prior to running
Again if you what to be kept up-to-date on the new features of jsapp, check out the mailing list: